Thunder roars from the night sky…gazing upon us with its minds eye..
Have you been left behind in the Rapture? I thought so..
Just wanted to say hell-o to one and all and thank anyone and everyone that has been supportive of these universal tones and ideas that I have been sharing from the deviant depths of my morbid mind.
As I awoke today on this too warm spring day in Halloweenland, Michigan I felt the desire to begin again..not to wipe away all of what I am from many moons since past, but rather just reboot my mind and soul with a few words here.
I have been hard at work on the new Lucifer Fulci CD “Evilution” and there are two songs already posted on…the title track and “Ancient”..I am gathering funds to socially publish the next release to CD baby ( which will get it out and about EVERYWHERE ) which will be “The Eyes of Dagon” by Lucifer Fulci’s WORMFOOD. Watch for it! In between all of this music I am organizing all of my words for a literary release…it will be a collection of short stories, poems and lyrics from my music. Yes, this will also include my ” A Diary of Demons” story and various other things that were once meant for individual release but have now been mashed together like a pile of putrid guts.
I was speaking with my brother all through the evening last and realized just how messy this garbage pail of an internet can become. I have had so many, many various places you could hear my music and wanted you all to go to just to check it out..its all so messy. That is why there is one site for all that I am..that is Lucifer, of corpse, but I want to still touch upon the various resources about. So while I will still use the various places to advertise what it is that I do, I will be limiting my contact there..bigtime.
What I will be doing in times soon to pass is to consolidate all of the myspace sites into one and forgetting about the rest. I will probably use the Wormfood Horror Media one or the Lucifer Fulci personal page..I just have to check them might wonder…”My space? WTF?” And I wonder the same thing sometimes..haha. I used to love being on there and had so many various sites for all the music that I did, but all things change. Still, its out there and a lot of younger people still use it so I want to be able to still be around there for that reason..but instead of like, 7 or 8 sites there, there will be only one. Very soon.
All the same, you can still “like” Lucifer Fulci on Facebook or contact me at my actual name, David Stashko if you decide that you want to see the daytime persona of this life form.
And the other obligatory plugs:
You can find Lucifer Fulci on Reverb Nation. Yes, Reverb Nation. For now, there is only a half done site because I have to change the format of the music I am to put up there in order for them to play it..yes..I know..and I dig it. I will get a round tuit. You know what that is? A round tuit? Yeah, I bet ya do.
And then there is which you can find me and all of my music on, too..they also have book baby on there now too, which means that in time you will also be able to purchase my words of wonderment and woe much easier too. Everything is being done digital these days, it is much easier to deal with that for me because to make hard copies of anything takes money money money money money! And while I work hard at a day job still, I have bills to pay and can only save little bits at a time in order to get my product out there to everyone..but I am working hard at it because why? Because I LOVE Horror and Halloween, really..and all mediums to express it are very important to me.
They all lead back to and my immortal contact email at ….but then what if the internet dies? What then? You might just have to search me out in person..and the best way to find me then would be to look for wherever the fire burns blue and black, where the ghosts dance about in the air above me and the angels and demons argue still over which side is better and closer to God. I should be right in the midst of that, now and always.