Update of Death April 2011

To all of those with eyesballs and a soul-

Hello from Lucifer Fulci. May your springtime bring you supernatural happiness!

I wanted to check in with everyone and let you know what has been happening alongside with the respectful thanks I am giving here.

Lucifer Fulci


Thanks, you say? Yes, thank you for believing in the work that I have been creating as well as supporting it by any purchases you have made online and in person. It means a lot to me when people in this day and age take the time to support any artist, let alone my own self. You are always and ever appreciated.

I have begun work on a ReverbNation.com site to ever continue an internet presence for my work but found that I needed to reformat some things here and there in order to share the music I create there. I will get around to it when I have some extra time, but for now you can look up any and all of my music projects by searching for “Lucifer Fulci” on Reverb Nation. There are still the Myspace.com music sites that have the music on there, too, and all of the sites that CDBaby.com has managed to share my work upon…and I gotta say that I really dig CDBaby.com and its resources. They have gotten me on Rhapsody, Itunes….the whole lot..and to some nice success, too. I really appreciate them.

I have decided, too, that for the time being I will be releasing my works under the title “Lucifer” or “Lucifer Fulci” only. Yes, you can still get the old stuff- FLYTRAP, WORMFOOD, The Fulci Music Project and even Penis Flytrap stuff- from me or elsewhere, but I am going to focus on a singular title for releases in order to keep it simple. I have a feeling that all of the heavy stuff- metal and horrorpunk as well as the soundtrack stuff will be found under Lucifer while the more mellow stuff will be released under The Fulci Music Project title in times to come.

You see, aside from just keeping it simple, I realized again that I am playing everything, writing everything and producing everything so why in the fuck am I releasing so many titles? I know that I really LOVE the band atmosphere – especially what I had with PFT- and that is why I wanted to finally complete “The Grand Guignol” as a FLYTRAP band but really, getting anyone else to make an original contribution was like pulling teeth…and worse. I have to give a lot of credit to Kevin Chaos for his major contributions to both WORMFOOD and FLYTRAP and he is always and ever appreciated…but dealing with Suspiria – while fun at times- turned into something very difficult. The universe spoke and she was asked to leave the outfit. I only realized after her departure from FLYTRAP and my personal life that there were a LOT of people that really did not care for her voice at all. I was honestly attempting to emulate a feel that PFT once had, but that did not seem to work well with the music I was making. Lots of love to Suspiria Strange but in the words of a few part time fans…..love is blind…and sometimes deaf!

I was told that some of the music that was released on THE GRAND GUIGNOL shoulda had my voice on it, or some other tougher sounding gal, so I am going to redo some of the stuff from there and release it on my next endeavor which will be: Lucifer Fulci: Evilution. It will be a collection of new music, old music, redone music from both FLYTRAP and WORMFOOD as well as some other surprises. You can expect this done and available by HALLOWEEN 2011.

Thats about all for now. Working on all kinds of things here and there…all kinds of morbid media and monstrous malevolence.

Keep checking back at www.LuciferFulci.com for updates.

Hail the planets!

Lucifer Fulci

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