Unholy Hells. It is 2021. The first day of January is here and I greet you all with love, horror and strangeness. I trust that we will do what we can with the time that is given to us. Let’s make it a great year if fear and fandom!
For me, it’s all about making some projects happen. Here is a small list of some things I thought I would update you with!

Firstly, the actual ELDER SIGN album will be out very soon. The songs have been done and finished totally for a short while now and I am really proud of it. It will be available online everywhere, of corpse, but I will also be getting some physical copies at some point, too. Probably vinyl, too. It all depends on that one thing, oh yeah, you know what I mean! MONEY! It is always a treasured chore to be an independent artist. We will see what we can do to make this happen! Also, there will be some videos, too, in time. We have been working on one for FORMLESS and will have it done sometime later the next couple of months. Maybe before. It all depends on what happens in my very strange life. 

I will finally get back to the I LOVE LUCIFER podcast, too. I have only completed a couple of them, so far, but it is a work in progress. Now that I have more time, I will surely get back to it. Thank you for everyone being patient and supportive. This year looks to have many more hours free for this demon. In addition to the podcast, I will be putting out another weird, gory and bizzaro little book of splatter filled goodness. I have not a title for it just yet, but you might think of it as a cross between the incredible hulk meets Jason Voorhees. More shall be revealed!

LORDS of OCTOBER will be doing more recording, live shows (if the pandemic would kindly fuck off) and videos, too. There is much more to do all around, so if I can find the time, you will see it! I don’t want to say too much now, but I can tell you that if I can do it, there will be more music, movies, books and live engagements. Only time will tell. 

All the best,
Lucifer Fulci

Lords of October
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